Corporate Strategy 2021-23 Update #Making a Difference
Earlier in the autumn, Cirencester Town Council launched its Corporate Strategy and Action Plan for 2021-23, outlining its commitment and project priorities. Focusing on building a connected and inclusive community which enables and delivers social, environmental and economic well-being; it is a foundation and framework, ensuring that as an organisation we are fit for purpose in the future. It is a first step in preparing a longer-term strategy and will help us to focus on responding to immediate needs and ensure we deliver and act upon that which we previously committed to.
We said at the time that this was not a document which will sit on the shelf and gather dust or get lost in an internet cloud; as the 1st tier of local government, Cirencester Town Council is closest to the community and wants engagement and responding to the needs of the public to be at the very heart of what it does.
We committed to commence work on 18 of the 38 priorities. Several priorities have started and are ongoing such as delivering town centre improvements and reviewing the operation of the sluice gates. Five priorities nearing completion relate to planning, and include the preparation of briefing notes based on the views of the community, for our Planning Committee to use when responding to planning applications.
Corporate Strategy #Making a Difference
Cirencester Town Council has adopted a two-year strategy as a foundation and framework, ensuring that as an organisation we are fit for purpose in the future. It is a first step in preparing a long-term strategy and will help us to focus on responding to immediate needs and ensure we deliver and act upon that which we previously committed to.
Ultimately, based on a vision and values which have been shaped by Councillors, staff and the public, we want to:
• create a sense of civic pride and support those in need;
• build strength and resilience through a thriving community;
• be a voice and advocate for the people and place of Cirencester;
• take the lead, being in-tune with the democracy and community needs of our time and future;
• be a conduit for, and humanitarian in, helping residents.
We are committed to making a difference for the better and to that end we will commission a peer challenge review in 2022 to provide a mid-point assessment on the implementation and delivery of the strategy as well as advising us and making recommendations for the longer term.
The strategy and our action plan will be published in the summer.