Climate Hub

The Cirencester Climate Hub is a space for sharing information and ideas to help tackle climate change. We hope lots of people will visit the Hub and be inspired to make a difference. If you have a resource or an idea to share please contact us!

What is Cirencester Town Council Doing?

In 2019, Cirencester Town Council declared a Climate Emergency. Since then we have undertaken Carbon Literacy certification and regular Carbon Footprint Assessments. Our Climate and Environment Committee have an action plan to track and monitor our progress, as we work towards being carbon neutral.  
Carbon Footprint Certificate 2022-23


Climate Competition - Winners Announced

Cirencester Pantry – First prize
Judges were very impressed with innovation of offering cooking classes and education around food in addition to providing essential resources to members of the pantry.

Gloucestershire Youth Climate Group
Judges were very impressed with the impact statements from previous work and look forward to welcoming the two events to Cirencester.

Deer Park Environment Club
Judges were really pleased to see environment club being active at a secondary school and the proposed collaboration with the college and hope the award helps to establish the conservation area.

Stratton C of E Council
Judges loved that the proposed wildlife area in Stratton would be available to members of the public and hope the award helps to create the wildlife area.

Share Street
judges were impressed by the ambition of this project and hopes that the award can go towards further scoping out the project.

  • Switch to renewable energy - Often renewable energy costs little or no more than a regular tariff.

  • Make green home improvements - Adding insulation or installing a low carbon heating system can help to improve the efficiency of your home and reduce carbon emissions.

  • Turn your heating down by 1°C - This can reduce bills by £60 and save 310kg of carbon emissions a year.

  • Unplug your appliances when not in use - A small amount of electricity is drawn even when the appliance is turned off, so unplug if you can.

  • Cycle or walk journeys under a certain distance - Try to swap short car journeys (perhaps under 2km or 5km) for walking or cycling, helping to stay active as well as reduce carbon emissions.

  • Take public transport - Visit Traveline to plan your journey or call into our Local Information Centre for timetables and advice.

  • Switch to an electric vehicle - Cirencester has a growing EV charging infrastructure network with chargers owned and operated by the Council as well as private operators.

  • Eat local and seasonal food - Avoid air-freighted food and food grown out of season in carbon intensive greenhouses to reduce your emissions.

  • Eat plant-based - Eat more vegetarian or vegan meals and share the recipes with your friends and family. Meat Free Mondays is a great way to introduce more plant based meals into your diet, or try the Veganuary challenge by going vegan for the month of January.

  • Choose Fairtrade products - The climate emergency is an immediate and ever-increasing threat to the farmers and workers in climate vulnerable countries. Fairtrade products ensure these people are paid fairly and given resources to adapt to climate change.

  • Reduce the amount of single use plastics you use - When doing your food shop opt for loose fresh fruit and vegetables where possible to reduce your plastics use.

  • Reuse items - Give your belongings a second life by donating to a charity shop or upcycling into something new.

  • Recycle as much of your waste as possible - Gloucestershire Recycles - Ask the Waste Wizard where to recycle, donate, repair or dispose of your items.

We are really keen to hear about any changes you can make. Let us know by emailing us at

  • Cirencester Environmental Action (CEA) - a local group dedicated to helping Cirencester and the surrounding Cotswold communities to become greener and live in a more sustainable environment.

  • Cirencester Repair Café - Meets monthly at the Baptist Church in Cirencester, an brings people with things to fix together with people who can fix them - for free (or a donation)

  • Cirencester Pantry - This is a new member based project bringing neighbours together to help reduce food waste. Please see the community pantry flyer, and community pantry application form.

  • Youth Climate Group - A group of 16–25-year-olds from Gloucestershire who come together to take action on Climate Change issues.

  • InterClimate Network (ICN) - Working collaboratively to deliver climate sustainability programmes to engage young people (primarily age 11-18) across the UK with the complexities of climate change, inspire their climate action, and promote their voices in their own sustainable future.

  • Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust - Aiming to preserve, recreate and reconnect Gloucestershire’s wild places.

  • Julie’s Bicycle - A pioneering not-for-profit, mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis.

  • Access Bike Project - An open-door, youth-led workshop, where young people come together to build, repair and up-cycle old bikes.

  • Cirencester Growth Hub - Net Zero Tools, Resources and Advice

Local Groups and Initiatives

How can you reduce your carbon footprint?